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Woman with braces onOrthodontics is the field of dentistry that corrects dental spacing and bite irregularities. The purpose of treatment is to create healthy teeth and jaws by addressing the alignment of the opposing teeth.

Correcting the Relationship Between the Teeth and Jaws

Braces may be necessary when teeth are improperly aligned or if the jaws do not meet together properly. Interceptive orthodontics can prevent some spacing problems during tooth eruption and oral development. Retainers are used to preserve the results following orthodontic treatment.

In addition to straightening teeth and closing gaps, orthodontic therapy can also help patients manage:

  • TMJ disorders
  • Oral hygiene
  • Abnormal tooth wear

Ready to Learn More?

At Dentistry on Brock we will recommend an orthodontic evaluation for every child by his or her 6th birthday. We are happy to discuss your child’s oral development as it relates to the future of their smile. Likewise, adults can also benefit from orthodontic treatment. It is not too late to have a beautiful smile!

Dentistry on Brock | (905) 852-5550